General questions
The prerequisites for applying for a partnership are as follows:
If you are the creator of a Minecraft server, you must have a Discord server with at least 250 members (minimally active) OR a website with at least 500 registered users, with whom you can communicate by email or other means communication (minimal activity is required and users must not be fake accounts).
If you are a community on Discord, you must have a Discord server of at least 500 active members.
In other cases, please contact us so that we can define the criteria together according to your situation.
Being a partner gives you the following advantages (no negotiation possible):
Advertising on our Discord. You will need to send us a presentation which we will display on our Discord server.
Pathfinder Offer (for more information about the offer, go to our website).
In return, we expect:
Advertising at regular intervals (every week) to promote our platform.
The recommended template for writing a bug report is as follows:
Name: Example: Non-clickable button
Severity: Low/Medium/High
Theme: Example: LShadow
Time of occurrence (Optional): Example: At connection
There are several ways to get a direct link to host your modpack. It depends on whether you are looking for a free or paid solution:
- If you're looking for a free way, Dropbox is a commonly used option. To do this, copy the download URL and replace the "dl=0" parameter at the end of the URL with "dl=1".
- If you prefer a paid solution, you can host your modpack on a VPS or a simplified online host.
Generally, this comes from a configuration error in your modpack:
- If you use a modpack and use the link download method, check that this link is accessible and that your modpack downloads correctly when you access it.
- If this is not the case, make sure that your modpack files are placed in structured folders, such as in the game directory. For example, mod files should be located in the " folder mods" in the root of your modpack.
The problem could also be due to another error. To resolve this problem, take the launcher logs which you can find in the game directory, in the "launcher" folder (the launcher-log.txt file), and open a ticket on online support.
You don't receive an email a few minutes after sending? Check your spam. If you don't find anything in spam either, make sure the address matches your account. If everything is correct, there might be a problem with the shipment.
Please contact an administrator.
Payment and refund
We guarantee the availability of our services, except in the event of a breakdown or malfunction. In the event of unavailability, we will make every effort to restore the services concerned as quickly as possible.
In other words, if your service is not working due to unavailability, we ask you to be patient during the time it takes to get it back into service. To stay informed, feel free to join our Discord server. A dedicated page is also available for you to follow the status of our services.
If your problem is not related to unavailability, but to a configuration issue, we can provide you with technical assistance.
Please note that no refunds will be made, regardless of the situation.